What we do


Sales & Operations Planning

Sales & Operations Planning

MYSIGMA has extensive experience from working with clients to improve their profitability. A recurrent area with high impact on the performance is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) where the profitability is addressed from many angles. Quite often companies have a gap between their strategic and operational planning which leads to firefighting in execution, slow reaction time, low trust and functions working in different directions.

An effective S&OP process can support the strategic targets on growth, return on sales and return on capital employed. MYSIGMA strives towards an effective S&OP process that drive cross functional collaboration & decisions to enable the supply chain to meet expected demand and to ensure growth.

The S&OP process will support allocating the critical resources – people, equipment, inventory, materials, time and money – to most effectively satisfy the customers, in a profitable way.
The S&OP process ensures early focus on any potential gaps in business performance and the decisions needed to close the gaps well ahead in time. S&OP typically includes Demand Planning, Supply planning, Balancing Demand and Supply and Financial evaluation of the plan.

Successful S&OP is about alignment and it´s about a two-front approach. Both sales and supply must agree on the plan ahead even if they both know there will be deviations. Supply must then understand deviations to be able to design most efficient flexibility. You never win the S&OP battle only focusing on perfect demand planning or perfect supply planning. You must work with both to gradually improve customer experience and be long term successful.

In Integrated Business Planning (IBP), S&OP has evolved to fully integrate the financial planning of the business, including improved simulation and modelling of scenarios. MYSIGMA has the knowledge and experience to help companies to setup the foundation for an effective Sales & Operations Planning process as well as supporting more mature companies to move into fully Integrated Business Planning.

The journey towards a more mature S&OP process includes a high degree of change management. To encourage engagement and a deeper understanding we could strongly recommend the experimental learning experience The Fresh connection where different parts of the organization learns how collaboration will improve the result.

For more information, contact:

Håkan Espenkrona

+46 701 490 348 hakan.espenkrona@mysigma.se

Håkan Emilsson

+46 708 310 974 hakan.emilsson@mysigma.se

Anders Granelli

+46 709 787 353 anders.granelli@mysigma.se

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